Genre:  Contemporary Country
$35.00 per category

- Submissions in this category will be judged on the manner in which it exemplifies the new, modern sound heard often in today's country music

- Submissions in this genre may submit into more than one of the categories below.

- Submissions in this genre may also submit into other suitable genres for which their music would apply.

- The Top 5 submissions automatically advance on as Nominees for an Indie Music Channel Award 
(there is no additional submission fee for Nominees to advance on to the final round of judging) 

Ryan Daniel

Elvis Carden


Best Male Country Artist
To be judged on the overall performance by the male performer of the song.  Judging criteria includes overall creativity in the presentation by the artist during the performance of the song, voice quality and range, as well as the ability for the artist to maintain voice control throughout the song.   

Best Female Country Artist
To be judged on the overall performance by the female performer of the song.  Judging criteria includes overall creativity in the presentation by artist during the performance of the song, voice quality and range, as well as the ability for the artist to maintain voice control throughout the song.   

Best Country Duo or Band
To be judged on the overall performance by the entire band performing the song.  Judging criteria includes overall creativity in the presentation by the band during the performance of the song, voice quality, range and harmony of the band as a group, as well as the ability for the band to maintain voice control throughout the song.

Best Country Recording
Judging criteria includes overall performance by the artist or group, as well as the overall execution of the recording by the producer.  Emphasis is also on the appropriateness of the song choice for the singer who performs it.

Best Country Song
Judging criteria includes overall creativity by the songwriter, including lyrics, "the hook", and overall  song structure.

Best Country Songwriter
Judging criteria includes overall creativity by the songwriter.

Best Teen Country Artist
Primary artist in this submission MUST be 17 years of age or younger, or if a band, the majority of the members in the band MUST be 17 years of age or younger.  To be judged on the overall performance by the young performer(s).  Judging criteria includes overall creativity in the presentation by the artist(s) during the performance of the song, voice quality and range, as well as the ability for the artist(s) to maintain voice control throughout the song.   

Best Country Producer
To be judged on the overall production of the song from start to finish, including creative use of singer's ability and range, as well as creative use of musicians and instrumentation.  Strong emphasis on overall quality of tone and equalization of all voices and instruments.

​Best "Live" Country Performance
To be judged on the overall "Live" performance of the artist or band, including overall creativity in the presentation by the artist or band,  voice quality, range and harmony, as well as stage presence.  NOTE: the overall video and sound quality of the live performance submitted need not be "perfect", but it should be as clear as possible.

Best Country Video 
To be judged on overall quality of the music video, including creative story telling, image/video quality, editing, as well as the performance by the artist.  PLEASE NOTE:  This sub-category is split into 2 separate categories based upon the overall production budget to create the video: "Best Video (under $5,000)" and "Best Video ($5,000 and over)"

Best Country Demo Song
For artists who have created a demo of a song and have recorded it in a home-based studio ONLY.  Submissions in this sub-category must NOT have been recorded in a professional commercial recording studio, and must NOT have been pressed into a CD for commercial release at the time of this submission. Judging criteria includes overall creativity in the writing of the song, the lyrics and "hook" of the song, instrumentation, overall song structure and performance by the singer.  NOTE: the overall sound quality of the recording of the song submitted in this sub-category need not be "perfect", but it should be as clear as possible.

* Winners in each of the categories above will automatically be nominated for overall "...of the Year" awards among all genres (no additional submission fee required)

Previous winners:

Dennis Blair

Katie Garibaldi


​You must be a current member of the 
Indie Music Channel to submit for the awards.

To join the Indie Music Channel:
"Click Here" to sign up and submit your music
for the above categories!

 If you are already a member:
"Click Here" to sign in (or to renew your membership) 
and submit your music for the above categories!